Curated by Zinzi Kennedy, the exhibition includes the work of three female artists; Zinzi Kennedy, myself and Bonnie Lane, with each of us engaging with duration, video and performance in different ways.
"Within screen based installations time becomes spatialized and put on display providing an opportunity for stimulating recognition by spectators of the proportion of formulaic linearity that pervades media experience demonstrating that subjectivity is itself experienced as durational. Viewers of screen-based installation are avowed with the ability to determine their own durational experiences, as they at will autonomously dictate the amount of time that is spent with each work. Video installations have the ability to generate the impression that they are perpetually taking place, even in the absence of spectators they continue, an 'ongoing object.' This perception invites viewers to enter works at any point in the cycle of projections and to explore the illuminated environment at a length of time that they judge as appropriate rather than that decision being made in totality by the artist, artwork or institution. Each artist in this exhibition deals with durational experience uniquely from directly recording a live performance to utilizing the relentlessness of continuous loops. Juxtaposing the video artworks in 'Unmeasuring Time' demonstrates differing approaches to time whilst elucidating videos ability to generate immersive temporal impulses."
-Zinzi Kennedy
I feel like it has been a really successful show. Whilst sitting the gallery over the past few weeks I've gotten some feedback about the work from people visiting the show. Some people were really positive, others disgusted, ambivalent, intrigued..... it's just nice to hear responses anyway. Setting up the show was challenging (as it always is) and by the time we got it all together I was well and truly ready for a glass of wine. Here's some photos from the setup and opening drinks....
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